Planning Documents

To guide its work, the Behavioral Health Commission uses a two-tiered planning model comprised of a five-year strategic plan and annual workplans. The strategic plan (to be completed in 2023) will capture the long-term goals of the Commission, as well as the work to be conducted in order to achieve these goals. The strategic plan will be coupled with annual workplans, which will lay out the specific activities that must take place every year to make progress toward long-term goals.

Strategic framework

The mission of the BHC is to study and make recommendations for improving Virginia’s behavioral health system so that all Virginians have access to a full continuum of high-quality and efficient behavioral health services. The Commission’s strategic plan outlines the BHC’s vision for a best-in-class behavioral health system in Virginia and act as a specific blueprint for how this vision can be realized over the next five years. The strategic plan will be updated every two years, or as needed, to reflect changes in the behavioral health system that may impact the Commission’s approach and priorities. 

Strategic framework 2023-2027 

Annual workplan

The Behavioral Health Commission uses a structured yet flexible process to plan staff work at the beginning of each year. This process takes into consideration the size and experience level of current staff; the complexity of the work being proposed; the amount of time available to complete the work; the degree of flexibility afforded by the entity proposing the work; the time sensitivity of the work; and the type of research needed. Beyond 2022, the BHC’s Strategic Plan will also help shape the Commission’s workplan.

2024 BHC workplan
2023 BHC workplan
2022 BHC workplan